2019/10/08 14:02:45

Keep these 5 things in mind when building a popup modal

Alexander Hoogewijs

Information overload is one of the biggest irritations in modern life. Our mind is continuously triggered by tweets, emails, a growing stream of interesting articles on social media, hidden posts, viral videos and more…  As a result, we experience an attention crisis. Graphic designers and marketers have to change the way how they are trying to grab the visitors awareness.

Of one the solutions that are often used is the popup modal. A popup modal enables popups inside the existing browser. It’s used to grab the attention of the website visitor on a certain page at a certain time. With a clear call-to-action, the marketer tries to trigger specific behavior in the short time of a page visit.

Nail your offer

The right moment - the right place! Only use messages that relevant and tailored to the content of the specific web page. Come with a straightforward headline, a clear promise. Make your description short and to the point: What do you expect your visitor to do?  What do they get? Why should they do it?

Emergency exit!

A popup could annoy your visitor. Therefore, it’s only fair to provide some clear exit ways. Your modal should have a high contrast “X” close button in the top right-hand corner. Users should also be able to click anywhere outside of the modal and have it close for them.

Less is more (frequency)

Modals are perceived annoying when used too frequently, so be aware of that. Lower friction by only asking the information you really need. When you are in the early beginning of building a relationship with your prospect, most of the times an email address will suffice. In general, the more fields on your form, the lower the conversion rates.

Keep it Clean and Simple Stupid (KISS)!

"There is no such thing as information overload, just bad design. If something is cluttered and/or confusing, fix your design" - Edward Tufte

Use colors wisely to grab the visitor’s attention. You generally give the most stand-out color to your important areas like buttons and headlines. Control every single detail in your popup modal design. Design quality is the biggest factor in establishing trust. Be consistent when using margins, paddings, fonts, outlines,...

Plan Do Check Act

Measure your conversions after launching your popup. Try to fine tune your headline and description. Try out A/B testing on different pages. Optimize the use of the popup modal to come to the best results.

Whether you're looking for a way to promote your own business, or you want to build a popup modal for a client's online store, keep these 5 things in mind!

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